Tuesday 10 August 2010

The One Where I Gloat At Orson And Mock Herbert George

Orson, a man known as "the ultimate auteur" and the writer/director/star of Citizen Cane is going treasure hunting with his best friend, me. I have a little nickname for him based on the fact he's never ill. We're cute like that.

Orson does not believe we're going to find the drilled water sources that belong to H.G., the man known as "the father of science fiction" and a former friend of mine. I like to make fun of H.G. by calling him a name based on the fact his eyes water all the time, like a big cry baby. I'm mean like that.

During our search we find these water sources. I can not help but gloat. I turn to Orson and say...

'Well Well Well "Well" Welles, "Wells" Wells' Wells'

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